Revenue & Financing Policy 2024

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Consultation has concluded

Consultation on our 2024 Revenue and Financing Policy closed 30 April 2024. Thank you for your feedback.

The Policy was adopted on 11 July 2024 and can be found here:

Our Revenue and Financing Policy sets out how Council plans to fund its operating and capital expenditure. The policy also demonstrates how Council has complied with section 101(3) of the Local Government Act. 

We review this policy every three years and we're consulting on a number of changes to the funding mix and rating tools used to fund some of the activities we undertake. 

What we’ve proposed will have a minor impact on Council’s overall funding mix but it will have a larger impact on some groups of ratepayers. 

Council will consider additional measures to ensure that these groups are aware of the proposed changes if feedback is received indicating a lack of awareness through this general consultation process.

More information

You can find more information in our:

Consultation on our 2024 Revenue and Financing Policy closed 30 April 2024. Thank you for your feedback.

The Policy was adopted on 11 July 2024 and can be found here:

Our Revenue and Financing Policy sets out how Council plans to fund its operating and capital expenditure. The policy also demonstrates how Council has complied with section 101(3) of the Local Government Act. 

We review this policy every three years and we're consulting on a number of changes to the funding mix and rating tools used to fund some of the activities we undertake. 

What we’ve proposed will have a minor impact on Council’s overall funding mix but it will have a larger impact on some groups of ratepayers. 

Council will consider additional measures to ensure that these groups are aware of the proposed changes if feedback is received indicating a lack of awareness through this general consultation process.

More information

You can find more information in our:

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please note that this survey is now closed.

    Consultation has concluded
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